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Summary of Question:Possessed Husband
Date Posted:Monday, 2/05/2007 7:16 PM MST

my husband recently seems to get disturbed by spirits. In the middle of the night he would wake up and start speaking in strange voices and then in the morning he would remember anything. He is also starting to drink heavily. I have tried speaking to him but he is so stubborn. I am so worried. Whenver he seems to be possessed i would do the mool mantra by quickly holding his hand. I know as sikhs we are not supposed to believe in this but i am really desperate i am afraid he would do something foolish in this state. Is there ant special

prayers i can do for him .... Pls help me

Satnam dear one,
Yes, eating heavy food and drinking will definitely cause the sleep distubances you describe. WHat you are doing is fine with the Mool Mantra.

Here is something else. Something is bothering him and he is not dicussing this, rather ignoring it and escaping through alcohol. Is there any friend or family member that can spend time with him and discuss his drinking and help him find healthier outlets like playing sports at night or reciting Rehiras together or discussing his problems and not feeling so emotional.

For you However, I would reccommend that you do some personal work at home......... Inside the Rehiras is the "SOPURK NIRANJAN HARPURKH NIRANJAN....."
prayer. This is very good to do for your spouse. Recite it 11 times for yourself each day. The in the evening between 4-7pm recite it out loud 11 times for your husband. Your own spiritual work and recitation at home is very supportive. Your husband will feel this support and will give him more strength and confidence to live gracefully without drinking. Best if he can correct himself through his own realization and without your nagging him.

Wahe Guru and Blessings to you,

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