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Summary of Question:Issue On Circumsision
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 5/21/2004 4:18 PM MDT

Sasrikaal ji

I wouod really be grateful if you could answer my question as i am a little worried. i was reading through the forum and came accross a question when a male asked if circumsision was allowed, and you replied no. However im 21 now, and when i was 12 years old i had to get circumsised due to medical reasons. At the time i was very young and didnt know this was wrong. I just wondered is it still wrong even if it was done on medical grounds?

Please Please get back to me


I ask you, Even though i am not in the sikh youth, My child will be. I was born and raised in the U.S. And i want to know, Is Circumcision Correct for a sikh boy?

No! Circumcision is NOT correct for a Sikh boy. It is mutilation and altering the body. Sikhs accept their body as a gift from the Creator. The Creator made no mistake the Perfect Creator created us perfectly.


It is true that circumcision is not correct fo a Sikh boy. I can't think of a medical reason...but if it is really a legitimate medical reason, than there may be some exception. If you were circumcised as a young boy, you had no choice. Don't fret over something that you couldn't control. Just don't let it happen to your son. Blessings. GTKK

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Issue On Circumsision (05/21/2004)
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