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Summary of Question:Can't Tell If My Wife Is Really Cheating...
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 12/04/2004 12:33 AM MST


I have been maintaining a long distance relationship with my wife for a couple of years now because i had to work in another country and she had to stay in our nativeland with our 2 yr. old daughter, the thing is she just finished her college and she's taking review lessons in another city, by d way she's 25yrs. old vry slim and gorgeous and a scorpio. the thing is everytime we get to a nasty argument in the phone she would always tell me that im only pushing her to go out with another guy she met in class just to get back at me. or she's depressed that she only needed a shoulder to cry on, or because i keep my old habits that always hurt her she is willing to just let loose go out with a guy she wudn't care what would happen as long as she airs out her frustrations towards me, you know just to make me realize of my mistakes and get back at me but she said she never did it because no matter how mad she was she still had respect for me & our baby. but somehow i heard her tell me a whole bunch of guys name wanting to go out with her, as if making me feel powerless to her just so she wont do crazy things but she said nothing happened despite all this issues.
Pls. tel me what do you make of my story? is there something to it? should i pursue? becuase im also careful not to put things in her head that she didnt do but she might as well do because she thinks thats how i see her.. im confused. will you help me do the right move? how?.
thank you for taking time in reading my letter i hope to get your response.

Respectfully Yours;


Sat Siri Akaal. This is the danger of any long-distance relationship. Time to make living together permanent: go home or bring her there. Get your company to help. She is young and pretty and probably lonesome. Guys like pretty girls and flirt with them whether or not they are married.

While there is no excuse for her flirting and manipulating, it is clear that you have a problem. It is unclear to me if she is a flirt by nature or just missing having a man around. Perhaps a way to help the situation for now is to ignore her jibes about the other guys and send her flowers and love letters. Or send her an airplane ticket to visit YOU, send the child to grandma's. The romance in your relationship needs to be restored. Another option to know if she is really faithful is simply to show up at home. Her response will tell you much. But the status quo you have going on now is not a good idea.
Guru ang sang,

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