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Summary of Question:What Is This Caste System In Sikhism?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 7/06/2007 7:15 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal,

i understand that one of the reasons that Sikhismn was created was to abolish the caste system. however,i think this caste system stll exists.i dont know wheter or not the creation of all these sects is necessary if not useless like the creation of the Namdharis, Ramgharias, Tarkhans, Nirankaris e.t.c.i really wanted to know wether this is wrong mainly because of the fact that Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji said that our only Guru henceforth would be and would remain Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. despite this FACT, the namdharis and the nirankaris have Gurus and bow down to this wrong?

Sat nam. You are confusing caste with religious sects. Sikhi regards caste as pointless since all people are equal in the eyes of Guru, but caste system pervades India and all its people --including Sikks -- to this day.

Religious sects such as those you cite above grew up because people still wanted to follow a physical person who is identified as a guru or sant or teacher, etc. Many in these sects also study Siri Guru Granth Sahib. But observant Sikhs who regard Siri Guru Granth Sahib as their one and only Guru are not members of these sects.
Guru Gobind Singh told his Sikhs that all the Guru they'd ever need is contained in Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Understand that the Guru of every physical Guru in Sikh history is Shabd Guru. So Siri Guru Granth Sahib is the physical manifestation of this, and when recited or read from, one connects to Shabd Guru.
guru ang sang,

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