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Summary of Question:Im 19 And Divorced
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 2/12/2005 5:46 AM MST

wharguru ji ka kalsa , wharguru jee kee fateh.

Im 19 and getting divorced i had an arranged marriage and was happy to go along with the wishes of my parents,my husband was always out drinking and seeing another women.He was always saying mean things to me and his family knew he was seeing somebody else and didnt wanmt to get married.I met the women that he is saing and think about her and him all the time and get really upset,as he is with her even now.I went back many times but my marriage only lasted 7 months.I dont think that neybody well want to marry a divorcee.i only wanted to get married once and i wanted it to be for life.

Please help me.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. So sorry your marriage worked out so badly. But, it's over. You cannot change the past. You wanted to marry for life, but that didn't happen. There's no way to make the past different. The only thing that can be different is your future! You have to move on. What are your plans? Did you go to college? Is there a career you would like? What is your family doing to help you? Please, please, please forget about the man you married, he didn't deserve you! You are still young enough to live a very happy, successful, fulfilled life. Having been divorced under these circumstances should not prevent some excellent man from marrying you -- but don't rush into anything. Give yourself time to build your own self-esteem, so that you become more desirable as a person that ever before. Your parents were probably fooled by your ex-husband, but I trust they meant the best for you, and they should be encouraging you now to do whatever will capture your aspirations. Be sure to read Japji Sahib every morning as well as the other banis, so that you can get in touch and in tune with your soul each day. Life is a gift,an opportunity for us to remember God, and to consciously unite with Him -- and serving others is a great way to serve the God in all. May God and Guru bless you with courage and wisdom, SP

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