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Summary of Question:Forgive Me I Broke My Promise
Date Posted:Wednesday, 1/31/2007 12:25 PM MST


I have been visiting this homepage for a couple of weeks now and its really amazing how u help people with there problem. I would like to ask u something and hoping that u could help me out. 3 months ago i promised myself and Guru maharaj that i will stop masturbate and never have bad thoughts abt other girls. But today i broke my promise i did masturbate and now i m feeling soooooooo guilty and sorry. Cant even go and face SGGS and say sorry. How will the guru forgive me and how will i forgive my self?? plz answer me as soon as possible or i may cry soon.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh...
Satnam dear one,
Guru and God DO forgive you. So why are you guilting yourself so heavily?
We do make mistakes and so you let off some you are adding so much more pressure with your mental process of guilt!

In order to change one behevior you must replace it with some other beheviors that will strengthen yourself. Please look into the YOUTH FORUM and search for SAT KRIYA. You must do this daily for 90 days for at least 11 minutes... and better for 31 minutes. So much has been said and shared on this topic of masturbation. Take some deep breaths now and find the references and start doing Sat Kriya and all the suggestions DAILY>

Much love to you,

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Forgive Me I Broke My Promise (01/31/2007)
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