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Summary of Question:How To Stop? - Do Our Children Or Their Souls Belong To Us ?
Date Posted:Tuesday, 1/19/2010 5:11 PM MST

thanks for helping me out. i was very depressed but your answer gave me hope that my son will not forget me. the only thing i m concerned about is that when he grows up my sister-in-law and other members of the family

(my mother-in-law) will try to make him think that he is her son. i can't stop them from meeting my son because that will be rude and it will hurt there feelings a lot. is there anyway i can prevent this?


Sat Nam,

You never really know how things may turn out. Perhaps your sister-in-law will have another child soon and will move on with her life. Time heals all wounds and circumstances shift. None of this maybe a serious problem in a couple of years. The only thing I could suggest is to always keep a clear and honest communication with your son at all times to clear any confusion he may have. If the problem persists then when he is old to understand you can just simply tell him the whole story. Grief makes people do things they would not normally do. I would still suggest for now to perhaps just limit some of the communications with that part of the family at least for a while and see what happens.
Remember, you have power in every situation. You just have to figure out what that is and how to make things flow to everyone's benefit.


PS. Don't worry about being rude. You are a mother. A mother needs to do what she has to do to protect her son. There is always a way to be very graceful in any situation but still be able to send a strong message to people who are trying to interfere in your life. Strong boundaries are important in any close relationship and sometimes they need to be guarded extra hard. You've got the power to manifest everything in your life. A mother's prayer for her children is the strongest in the world. Even if she prays wrong her children will get the benefit they need, no matter what. That is what going to set you apart from the other woman. There is nothing stronger than mother's love. Ask Guru Ram Das to protect you in everything that has to do in your life.


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How To Stop? - Do Our Children Or Their Souls Belong To Us ? (01/19/2010)
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