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Summary of Question:I Love Her, But Im Scared Of Her Parents
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Tuesday, 4/26/2005 1:12 PM MDT

I am a white male living in Georgia. I think I have a bad crush on this Sikh girl(Who also lives in georgia). First of all, she said she'd be okay with dating, but her parents are strict about the whole Indian customs thing. I think i might have to ask her parents or something, but I'm not quite sure. I'm actually kind of scared, because my last girlfriends dad, who was Vietnamese(and into the whole fixed marriage thing), pulled a knife on me after he figured out i wasn't just her "gay friend" ;). I need some help on this. Should I approach them, and present my "case", to prove myself "worthy", or what? Dating doesn't interfere with my religion (Celtic Neo-Druidism), so I don't understand any of this (lol) Please help-

(REPLY) Sat Nam! Well, you are wise to know that you should approach her parents first. Despite the fact that she says she's OK with dating, they may not be! I suggest that before you do anything else, you study up on what it means to be a Sikh (go to the Home Page of SikhNet and follow up on all the links.) Then you'll be in a better position to ask permission from her parents to spend time with their daughter. If they are very traditional, they won't approve of her dating anyone at all -- and probably will expect to arrange her marriage when the time comes. But, you won't know until you ask. There is a very strong cultural as well as religious objection to an inter-faith relationship. SP

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