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Summary of Question:More On Covering Head
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Tuesday, 5/17/2005 9:15 PM MDT

Sat Nam.

Many thanks to "DKK" for the suggestions on how to best cover head!

It is not common in my local Sikh community for the ladies to cover. As a matter of fact, they seem to reserve the chunnee for kirtan and I've never seen a lady in either a patka or a turban. I've heard that there is a small group of Yogi Bhajan's students in Buffalo, whom the suburban Indians call the "keski-wearing ladies," but their kirtan services are not publicised and I'm at a loss to ask advice on how to wrap a feminine turban. There is a widespread opinion locally that a turban is a man's thing, and not appropriate at all for ladies!

Now I can find nice turban material anywhere, but where on earth do I find the patka? The suggestion of wearing the patka under a drapey covering sounds terrific. I've never seen one that wasn't wrapped around a young man's head and wouldn't know one if it came up and bit me! Is this perhaps something that can be easily made with a few bits of cloth and the sewing machine? And how is it wound about the juraa? My hair makes a VERY large bun, bigger than the boys! And now that I think of it, how does one wind a feminine turban?

Many thanks for your help in all this. I want to do the right thing.

Blessed be,

Sat Nam Elizabeth,

My suggestion would be to go to Buffalo to one of their Gurdwaras and ask one of the women, who's turbin you like, to help you learn how to tie a turbin. She can help you with your hair. It needs to be wraped on the top of your head flat, so it doesn't stick up. A turbin that is wrapped well is very, very attractive. Blessings. GTKK

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