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Summary of Question:Fear
Date Posted:Monday, 7/07/2003 6:42 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akal

My question may seem a bit odd but here goes. In about 2 weeks my mom will be going to India and the thing is that I'm not going with her...but yet I fear something will happen. I mean the whole flying part. I have this is awful fear of flying whenever me or someone I know that flies. It tears me up inside...I think wat if this happens...or that happens. I know that I cannot control wat happens...b/cuz it is already planned for us. But I have this fear and cannot let go of it. I dont know wat to do. I start having bad thoughts in my mind at night. And as I'm writing this I am shaking. Is there any paat I can do to calm my nerves or to put my mind at ease. Pleaseeeee Pleaseeeeee I need your wud mean alot!!!
Thank You!!!

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Fear of flying is not uncommon. I suggest you research this on the internet, and see what sort of group support and information you can find. Meanwhile, keep in mind that Fear is the opposite of Faith, and when we live in fear, we are turning our backs on God's protection. Furthermore, imagining disaster simply creates more possibility for that thing to happen! When you find yourself fearful, then start chanting immediately, something like Guru Ram Das, Rakho Sirnai (Guru Ram Das, keep me in your protection.) There is nothing to fear but fear itself. (That's what a U.S. President told this country during World War II !) Also, you can use postive affirmation, such as: "I know God and Guru are protecting my mother, and she is safe at all times in all places." Don't let you mind rule you, but rather, conquer your mind! "Manjit, Jagjeet" - as Guru Nanak said, "he who conquers the nind, conquers the world." Are you reading banis every day? Can you read in an Akhand Path? The Guru's words will bring you peace and reassurance, but you have to keep on repeating them, because you have a fear pattern already established in your mind that needs constantly to be replaced with truth.May God bless you and Guru guide you always.

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