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Summary of Question:What Is God???
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 7/17/2001 11:42 PM MDT

I have read your postings and i have read the english version of japji, but i still dont understand the concept of God. If God is within us, who judges us when we die??? Did we help create the universe???? When we pray are we praying to ourselves if there's no external God??? I am soooo confused ...plz help

Greetings in the Name of the Guru, the Light of every Sikh.

Have you heard the expression "my whole life passed before my eyes" used to describe what happens to us at the time of death? It's not a judge, like in a courtroom. It's the experience of every feeling, emotion, action and reaction - the experience of every pain or kindness - felt through the other person. "Judgement" is a process we go through at the time of death in order to gain understanding.

Ik Ong Kar means "We and God are One". It means that the Infinite flows through us, Ang Sang Wahe Guru! The small human ego identity isn't the Creator. Karta Purkh flows through us, and through EVERYTHING in the universe.

When we pray, we pray to our Guru. The one who brings our consciousness from darkness into the light and who reminds us of our True Identity - Sat Nam.

Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad - I am One with God - The experience of this is the Guru's gift.

Let go. Relax, and enjoy Guru's blessings.


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