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Summary of Question:Cutting Hair, Still Not Answered
Date Posted:Tuesday, 12/14/2004 11:21 PM MST

sat sri akal,

i came acroos this site and saw the message board on the topic of hair cutting. i read the replies, but to be honest make no sense. by common sense i know why i can not keep long hair, (one responder made a list, but i think that was common sense), second i know as someone pointed out hair does not cut itself, nails do. but my question is why is keeping hair important? "Long hair is considered a mark of a holy person and may be considered the roots of a Sikh. So like a tree with no roots, a Sikh with no roots will be blown over in this world" (one of the responders said this). so no long hair, not a holy person??? then only sikhs are holy people??? what's with that tree roots and long hair over human?? there is no logical or poetic connection? please answer my question so i can satisfy myself, and explain it to others: Why uncut hair? Am I going to hell if i cut my hair? if yes, then are you saying god doesn't care about what is in my heart, and looks only at physical appearance? if no, are you concluding that it is "okay" to cut hair. any help would be nice.
thank you
sat sri akal

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Have you done a search on this site and read ALL the comments about hair? Non-poetically, realize that 1) Guru Gobind Singh instructed us to keep our KESH. 2) Hair acts as antennae and brings in energy to our little individual electromagnetic units from the universal sea of energy in which we live. 3) As Sikhs, we honor this body and all its parts as God's gift to us, and we don't change it, or damage it on purpose, and certainly not for "cosmetic" reasons. Try combing your long hair up on top of your head into a rishi knot and then tie a turban. At night let your hair down, and feel the difference. You will think better, feel better and be honoring your Creator by keeping your hair and letting it grow as God wills, and Guru directed. SP

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