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Summary of Question:Fake Gyanies
Date Posted:Wednesday, 10/05/2005 3:47 PM MDT


i am inquiring about the "fake or pakhandi gyanies" running around who pretend like they are sikhs but actaully arn' many gyanies say that we should watch out for those kinds of people...i agree...but they dont exactly tell us HOW?????? what kinds of charachteristics do we look for so we can identify those kinds of people adn try to avoid them???? or is it impossible to tell bc we have not spent as much times as should with them????


I would spend less time trying to find out who is fake and more time finding out that you are real. If the goal is sincerely to avoid interaction with people who will negatively affect your life and state of mind, then it appears to be good advice.

However, the way you describe it seems to be slander of people whose beliefs do not agree with yours or the gyani. There is no action that anyone can take that will make you better than them. There is no action that anyone can take that will impugn them in the eyes of God.

The Sikh path is one of meditation, Gurbani and service. That is the focus.

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