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Summary of Question:Problem With Sikh Converts.
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 12/23/2003 10:16 AM MST

I have a issue with Sikh converts. I went to the Gurdawara and saw these white people who were wearing turbans and karpaan. I got really mad because I feel that unless you are born into sikhism and your ancestors are sikhs only then you are A PURE SIKH.

You cannot get up one day and THINK that JUST BECAUSE u like sikh teachings you want to be a sikh...this is not like the christan religion...WE SHOULD BE SIKHS ONLY IF IT RUNS IN OUR BLOOD FROM OUR FOREFATHERS.

I cannot accept any person who is black, white, chinese, etc and CONVERTS to SIKHISM... they are not sikhs and it makes me mad that our people are tolerant of this!

Sat Siri Akaal. The idea that a Sikh is born a Sikh because his or her Indian ancestors are Sikh is mularkey. It is not in keeping with Sikh beliefs or teachings at all. While you are entitled to feel this way personally, you have NO BUSINESS openly judging the heart or devotion of someone to Guru because s/he CONVERTED to Sikhi. Who are you to say they are not Sikh? Why does birth make you a Sikh and not me?

Conversion of faith is a gift from God, because it allows people to choose the spiritual path that suits them, that works for them. Guru has always said that ALL paths lead to the same One. There is NO single one, 'correct' path, despite what certain well-known faiths maintain. Guru Gobind Singh in his Baynati Chaupa-ee says "Everyone describes God differently, according to their different understandings" (pauri 14). So if someone has converted to a faith that allows them to worship God as s/he understands him, why is that bad?

Guru Nanak was a revolutionary for his time, because he taught that just because one is born a muslim or hindu or Brahmin or whatever, does not make someone spiritual. Spirituality is attained through meditation on the Name,and service to others. And one can be born of any faith or class or caste and attain spirituality by such practice. Why on earth do you think bani of Shayk Fareed, Kabeer, Ravidas, Namdev, and other bhagats were included in Siri Guru Granth Sahib???? These people were not Sikhs nor were they Brahmins or clerics! But their bani is sikh, and accords with what Nanak started and the Gurus after him continued in their teachings, leadership, and gurbani. Study Siri Guru Granth Sahib instead of holding to some non-Sikh dogma that says Sikhs have to be Indian.

Look at Indian Sikhs around the world, look at how many have forgotten Sikh teachings and forgotten how to keep respect for Siri Guru above all else. 960 million we shall be, that was 10th Guru's prophesy. You think they'll all come from India? No. Sikhi is a world religion, and Guru would hardly ever have thought to limit Sikhi to the time and space of geography & ethnicity. If you want to be upset about something, be upset at what politics is doing to Sikhi and our gurdwaras in India. Or be upset that Sikh parents are keeping their hair while cutting their children's hair. But leave us converts alone. I'm one of them and am ever grateful to be at the lotus feet of the Guru. May Guru open your eyes to Truth. Sat Nam.

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