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Summary of Question:More Q's About Caste...
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Monday, 4/05/2004 11:33 AM MDT

So I have read through the questions about caste... I found that you said that 'true GurSikhs do not observe caste', what are the ones that do believe in this then?

If Guru Gobind Singh did say that it is wrong... and that many gurus did not have a problem marrying other casts then, why do people believe about ranking people by caste? Surely they would have a reasonable explanation? I mean sure, the heritage of people is different, does that affect the person you are today?

I am told it is hard for this integration to occur, apparently people from your caste would have got on because they lived in the same area once upon a time... This is the 21st Century. People don't still think that where you came from makes you the person you are? It should be the heart that counts! Besides, Sikhs of all casts live world-wide. Communities are no longer part of everyday life, either you are a Sikh and you are with other Sikhs or you are not. Why does it make such a difference?

Plus, I can understand if marrying someone of a different religion is going to develop conflict, some of which may be physical... But why should there be equal or even greater conflict amongst people of different casts trying to get married?

If two people love each other, then why would their parents intervene a marriage just because of the cast difference? Isn't that Hinduism? And if the parents do this, should people do what is morally right or is it the parents' descision that counts? Is it possible for Sikh marriage to occur without the parents consent?? I mean after all, you would be way over 18, not just a little kid any more :S

Cheerz 4 reading! Sat Sri Akal :)

(REPLY) Sat Nam. There is no justification for any Sikh to discriminate because of "caste." Unfortunately, many still do. And that is very sad. From what I have read of the problems posted on this site, there are those who adhere to this wrong, narrow minded and prejudiced attitude. It may be out of fear and insecurity that people cling to separating Sikh from Sikh basd on the ancient cultural practice. (And yes, it comes from Hindu tradition) As far as marrying without parental consent, yes, legally over the age of 18 usually, one can do it, but the repercussions in the family have to be considered, the social ramifications, etc. To go against parents wishes requires a great deal of determination, and the ability to be very independent. It may or may not be worth it. Hopefully, as time goes on, all Sikhs will recognize that in unity is our strength, and stop diluting and polluting our religion with giving "caste" any credibility. SP

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