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Summary of Question:Wanna Do Right Thing
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 6/21/2006 6:20 PM MDT

wjkkwkkf, hi my name is Gurpreet, and i have a dilemma. I am a sikh, do paat, and try to do right things in life. I currently got an interview to get into med school, but have began to think, do i really wanna go to med school? I mean i have put in 4 years of hard work, but it seems as though i will be attaching myself to school, because med school is so tedious. I dont want to be so attached to something, and i dont want to take away any time from chanting the name of guru ji. The only reason i wanted to become a doctor was to help people, but it just seems as though med school, might take a toll on my relationship with guru ji. I dont know what to do, any suggestions would be appreciated.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Yes, med school is extremely demanding, and will take a tremendous amount of time. However, once you have finished, you will be in a position to fulfill your destiny to help people ---IF THAT IS WHAT YOU REALLY WANT TO DO ? The question is, what else would you do as a career? As Sikhs we don't retire from the world and sit in a cave all day meditating. Our challenge is to remember God's Name in the midst of living in the world. We are already born Divine, SAT NAM is our true identity, we are here on Earth to finish paying our karmas and learn to be HUMAN! I would suggest that you pray for guidance and ask Guru to make it clear to you what will be the best choice for you. I personally find Guru Ram Das, the Lord of Miracles always comes through for me! Chanting GURU GURU WAHE GURU, GURU RAM DAS GURU mantra and asking for clarity is something you could do. Have you always wanted to be a doctor? Unless you really really want it, then find an alternative. A Doctor with Guru's blessings could bring so much more to patients than just the Medical skill -- you would bring God's healing power in your words, your touch, your kindness and compassion as a Sikh of the Guru. Choice is yours. May God bless you and Guru guide you. SP

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