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Summary of Question:How Do You Know The Meaning Of What You Read In The Guru Granth Sahib
Date Posted:Tuesday, 7/06/2004 3:21 AM MDT

I have tried to meditate and pray each day, but there are days when I just feel so tired and distracted to meditate. I am British Asian and I feel trapped inbetween these two religions, and I am finding it hard to understand what I am reading and really want to know how I go about understanding the Guru Granth sanhib. Please could you give me some tips and advice on this issue.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Interesting question! You say you are British and Asian -- OK, but neither of those identify a religion! There are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and Sikh people who are British! Similarly the Asians! As for understanding the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, that is a matter for continuous and repeated exposure to its Words, so that your intuition opens up the meaning, and its relevance to you, personally. It may help your concentration if, before taking a hukam, you sit quietly and with eyes closed, breathe long and deep, inhaling thinking SAT and exhaling thinking NAM. This bij mantra, or seed sound, which expresses the Truth of your identity, and affirms God's Name is a remarkable yet deceptively simple way to attune your mind and heart to the Truth. May God bless you, and Guru guide you. Blessings, SP

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How Do You Know The Meaning Of What You Read In The Guru Granth Sahib (07/06/2004)
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