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Summary of Question:Nuthing Goes Right
Date Posted:Friday, 4/25/2008 10:00 AM MDT

ssa ji...hanji i am internactional student in canada,it has be 3 year that i m in canada and the thing is that nothing is going good for me, like student who have come after me, some of them hve get there PR, work permit,some of them r when i think abt me that nuthing good is happing to me and when i think abt my parents in india ,I get depressed and I feel like that I am kind of a loser and I am burden on my parents and on this earth. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, and I believe in god ,every day I read hukamnama, I respect my parents, but still bad things r happing. There is no happiness in my life only sadness.

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Things are not good or bad. Things happen in the will of God. When we feel that bad things are happening to us, it is only because of our own expectations. It means we are not accepting one side of the coin, and we want to look only at the other side of the coin. Either the whole gold coin has to disappear or we are going to be prejudiced. There's no fault in us. Nobody on this earth can be unhappy. It is that prejudice that we prefer one side over the other. When we choose one side, we become judgmental. When we become judgmental, we start testing. When we are testing, then we are not trusting. When we are not trusting, we are unhappy.

Everything..... EVERYTHING.... comes to you as a gift from your Guru. The question is.... "What does Guru Ji want me to learn today?"


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