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Summary of Question:What Do You Have To Do To Be A True Khalsa?
Date Posted:Sunday, 6/04/2006 10:41 PM MDT

what does it mean to be a true khalsa . meditating ,simran what do you need to do to be one, not to be a sikh, but a true khalsa, the warriors and protecters of the weak in the old days

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Take Amrit, and follow the instructions given originally by Guru Gobind Singh when he created KHALSA. I went to the home page of the SikhNet website, then to the link to the "Sikh Dharma Manual" chapter 10 which gives the intructions to those who take Amrit. This is what it says:
"You have taken rebirth as Khalsa, and therefore your spiritual father is Guru Gobind Singh and your spiritual mother is Mata Sahib Kaur, and your birthplace is Anandpur Sahib.
Men take the surname of Singh (Lion). Your new identiy is fearlessness. Women take the surname of Kaur (Princess). Your new identity is one of graceful fearlessness. Both men and women take the last name of Khalsa. You have joined the family of the Pure Ones.
Kurehits are actions which, when taken, invalidate one’s Amrit vows. They include: cutting any hair from the body; committing adultery or having sex outside of marriage; eating meat; use of tobacco, alcohol or narcotic drugs.
At the first Amrit ceremony, Guru Gobind Singh gave the Rehit, which was recorded and passed down through the generations:
Keep the Five Kakar’s ( 5 K’s): Kara, Kanga, Kirpan, Kesh and Katcheras
Bana: Dress for the Guru, not for the fashion of the world
Five Banis to be read each morning and two evening prayers: Japji Sahib and Shabad Hazaray; Jaap Sahib; Tav Prasad Swaiyas; Baynati Chaopai; Anand Sahib; and in the evening Rehiras (including Baynati Chaopai) and Kirtan Sohila.
Amrit Vela: Rise before the sun rises to praise God
Belief in the Oneness of God
Your Guru is Siri Guru Granth Sahib, now and forever
Das Vandhh: Give one-tenth of your earnings to the Panth
Seva: Do service selflessly, without thought of reward
Vand Chako: share your earnings with those in need
Naam Japo: Chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord
Kirat Karo: Earn your money righteously and honestly
These technologies, when practiced, maintain the transforming power of the Amrit, and will keep you in your purest consciousness." I suggest that you investigate the other links on the website to further understand more. Blessings, SP

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What Do You Have To Do To Be A True Khalsa? (06/04/2006)
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