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Summary of Question:Re: Perfectly Fine Questions
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 9/15/2004 7:30 AM MDT

Namastang Akale,

I would like to refer back to the point made within this question. The person says that life has more than just religious problems.

Well one thing it is important to understand is that Sikhism is not just a religion it is a way of life, and every question asked on this forum has something to do with our religion.

Whether it be something personal or domestic, rember that Waheguru puts us all in demanding situations so we are warned to become virtuous and prove we are sikh soldiers. (Karao Benanti suno mere meeta, sant tahal ki baylaa)

As sikhs we should use the Guru Granth Sahib as our guide and take our every breath in accordance with the Shabad Guru. So every problem in the world is related to religion (as it is Gods test) and in accordance with the Hukam of god.

Hukmi andar sabh ko, bahar hukam na koi, Nanak hukmai je bujhai ta haumai kahai na koi.

Ham Sar Deen, Diyal na Tumsar

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