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Summary of Question:Prayer
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 3/16/2007 5:26 AM MDT

I will keep this very short and simple as I know you have little time and many brothers and sisters to help.

What is the Prayers that a Sikh should do everyday. I do Japji Sahib when I have time and wake up early enough, and I do Rehraas Sahib in the evening. Is this correct? Do I need to do Ardaas after either of them?

And secondly I need the guidance/direction of Our GURU far more specifically in controlling my minds lustful desires in wanting/desring a wife. These thoughts/desires are overtaking my life and it is very hard to remain focussed. Is there any paath more specifically involved in helping someone over come this problem.

any help I would appreciate.

Dear one,
Wonderful that you do Jap Ji and Rehiras. You can do a short ardas after all prayers and state your dedication of these actions to God and Guru within you!
There is no set rule that you must do the ardas or your own ardas. This is your choice and a help to make your effort more meaningful and expand it.

Please do a search on "Sat Kriya". This is something you can do daily to channel and control your sexual energy. Also, jogging and exercising and heavy exercise to a sweat can help. But please look up the Sat will help you in so many ways.


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