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Summary of Question:Sikh Girls In The U.K ( A Guys View )
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/23/2005 4:58 PM MDT

This is not really a question but it is just what i think about previous posts about this subject. I must say i do agree with the girl who posted her thought on the 13/03/2005. Yes you are very right in thinking that all girls are not the same but also all guys are not the same. I am a 21 year old sikh male who has never dated a sikh girl or non sikh girl for the same reasons as you. I do wear a turban and am proud of it. The point i wish to make is that life is all about making choices and you should always choose the choice that makes you happy but by also considering that some times in life we may have to let go of what makes us happy for the best. So Choose wisely, study your own, get your own, be your own, because this life given to us is not great enough for us to job anyone just because of wht they do, look like, or have done.

Much Love
(REPLY) Sat Nam. I think the writer of this message meant not to "judge" anyone (or is "job" a new slang term for judge???)

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Sikh Girls In The U.K ( A Guys View ) (03/23/2005)
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