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Summary of Question:Baba Siri Chand's Protection
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 2/28/2009 10:30 PM MST

once every day, would it be possible for me to ask for protection for my husband "Alakh Baba Sri Chand Di Rakh"?

he is always out with his friends. he never has an answer why he does what he does. he himself can't explain it.he is never home and when he is home, I see in his eyes that he is very distant and detach from family. it's like, his life is not under his control. he used to have totally different beliefs than he does now ... He is different person from the way he used to be. he has turn away from religion and family. He used to pray everyday and now he never prays and mocks those who do. i do path for him (so purkh) and shabhad hazare with aad sach...

Can I ask Baba Sri Chand for protection for my husband everyday?
Can anyone ask for protection? How about for entire family? or baby?


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No no... that mantra is only for emergencies when you are in danger! If you are doing Sopurkhs for him, that is good. You can visualize yourself and him (or anyone) and chant "Aad Guray Namay, Jugaad Guray Namay, Sat Guray Namay, Siri Guru Devay Namay" whilst visualizing Guru Nanak above you and to your left, Guru Angad above you and behind, Guru Amardas Ji above and on your right and lastly Guru Ram Das Ji above and in front of you. Use that for protection. It's very powerful.

Don't ask your husband to explain himself, nor blame him. Keep your heart open to him and work on yourself. Become very neutral and loving. You can not change him, but you can change you. Remember, in a relationship the man is a reflection of the conscious mind and the woman is a reflection of the subconscious mind. It is a polarity. By changing your own frequency, you create a pull on him as well.


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