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Summary of Question:How Do You Justify That Their Really Is A God?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 12/10/2003 7:40 AM MST

Waheguru ji ka kalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh,

I am a young man who like many of you have been brought up in a Sikh family, and therefore have had the morals and virtues associated with sikhism instilled in me. However, admittedly although I have strong beliefs and faith as to there being a God (Waheguru, forgive me for anything wrong I say), I do not meditate and practice the teachings of our Guru Ji's on a daily basis. I have always promised myself I will do as much as I can to learn about all philosophies and religious teachings as possible as I continue on this path that is life.

However, today i write to you not to talk of me! It concerns a very dear friend of mine, who happens not to follow the teachings of Sikhi (not really the point). She has suffered and continues to suffer a great deal in her life, and does not seem to deal with such tragedies as death of loved ones very well. She has many family issues and this continues to upset her and she has completely lost her faith in God. She fails to understand how God can justify the bad things that continue to haunt her. I know this must be a re occuring question and theme, however I only managed to see one post posing a similiar question. He asked why God allows him to suffer as much as he does. The response asked him to look at a passage in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib called" Sudarshan Chakra Kriya". A meditation which will help you find God within your self. However, I find that this does not help in helping to justify the existence of God. I'l never try and impose my views upon anyone else because I feel it is for every1 to find their own path in this life, however, I am at a loss as to how I can respond to such an accusation as there is no God. I remain someone with firm belief, but I cannot justify the existence of the almighty when such bad things continue to haunt her life. Please help?
(REPLY) Sat Nam. The reason your friend, and many people lose faith in God is that they have a mistaken notion that God is some person who responds to their wishes (or not) in a personal way. They are ignorant of the the basic, fundamental understanding of how this universe was constructed, and how the cosmic laws govern the results of our actions over many lifetimes as we reincarnate and pay off karma, and create more karma! Without a basic philosopic understanding, one continues to expect God and/or Guru to solve everything without taking any personal responsibility for our actions. Yes, everything that happens is God's will, but God's will also gave us free will to make decisions. And based upon our actions and our attitudes, we set up situations that have to be played out, just like a drama (or a comedy, or a tragedy!) in a film. Actions from past lives have brought us to this point in time. Your friend might benefit from reading some basic Vedanta philosophy, if she's not willing or able to read Japji Sahib (which definitely explains the meaning of life). We have all come to go. How we live our lives NOW determines what happens after we die. There's a book called "How to Know God" that I found most helpful, many years before I learned about Guru Nanak and the Sikh path. The authors are Christopher Isherwood and Swami Prabhavanada. It's not a book about religion. Of course, the most illuminating, and transformational reading is in our Siri Guru Granth Sahib. Anyone can read these words that were spoken by enlightened beings when they were actually in a state of bliss in Divine Union with God. By consistent recitation of the Shabd Guru, we gain understanding,deeper than intellectual knowledge. Even in English, the Guru is the most effective guide and teacher. Problem is, most people don't take the time or make the effort to use this incomparable, divine source of inspiration. Perhaps your friend might, who knows? Blessings, SP

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