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Summary of Question:Re:Transforming Sexual Energy
Date Posted:Tuesday, 7/25/2006 9:23 AM MDT

I was also wondering - I think the big problem is when lust really hits you, i.e you get a wave of it. The is the hardest part to control at that time, then you get the urge to do bad things - which then puts you into a never ending cycle.

I really do agree that it is an immense amount or energy. But at that point when you are weak and the lust wave is taking you over what can you do to convert that energy? Are there specific techniques to say calm you down to get out of the heat of the moment?

Sat nam. yes, breathe long and deep and focus on moving the energy out of your lower chakras and distributing it throughout your body. Combine the breathing and the visualization. If you can, take any kind of yoga class that will teach you proper breathing techniques.
Then, stop putting yourself in situations that will put you in that space. Whether it's TV, magazines, ads, conversations with friends, etc. etc. Second, get busy with the rest of your life. Get active in volunteer, gurdwara, and/or sports activities. Channel the energy practically.
Recognize that youthful hormones tend to express themselves besides our best efforts. We don't marry as young as our Gurus did. So we have to find other ways to channel this energy.
Guru ang sang,

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