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Summary of Question:Payment Of Taxes--According To Gurbani
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/05/2005 7:19 AM MDT

Waheguru jika khalsa...waheguru ji ki fateh,

There cant be any ways better than desh Seva....or sacrificing one for the country...
I was just wondering that what happens when the gyanis or preachers of religion...dont pay complete this justified...
I believe that the religious guys are only hipocrats if they dont pay taxes...

Tru for a person who tells that these taxes are not justifies but vat happens of everybody starts doing the same.......
Can u tell me do preachers guide people on payment of their they dont...y not...It cant be an issue different from religion....

Please tell me shall a person who doesnot pay his taxes and hides his income be considered god loving or religios in the court of Guru.....

Please answer as soonas possible.............


It is not for us to judge another. If it really bothers you, talk directly to the person involved...or write them a letter. The most important thing is for you to live YOUR life as you feel is righteous for you. It is very unholy to go around judging others. Bless you. GTKK

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Payment Of Taxes--According To Gurbani (05/05/2005)
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