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Summary of Question:???
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 10/23/2008 11:54 AM MDT

What time should i wake up? I know it is best to wake up at arit vela but when is amrit vela? What path should i do? How can i convince myself to take a cold shower??????????????/


Amrit Vela is 4am -7am

Get up and 4 am and recite wahe Guru or a shabd as you prep yourself for Ishnaan

Rub down your body with almond oil, or mustard oil....put on some kachera's and
start the cold shower. Get in and systematically rub your arm as you place it in the shower.
Go over your body part by part. Yu are not just standing there in the shower but massaging
and going in and out as that part is hit by the water. This is very invigorating and flushes the
cappilaries. Do this for 3 minutes. That is all. You are done. Dry off with a brisk towel rub down and get

Then you can go to your meditation area and start reciting Jao Ji Sahib. Jaap Sahib, Tav Prasaad Swayaa,
ANand Sahib. Bento Chau-pa-ee. Do some Yoga. DO your simran and kirtan and hukam and ....have a nice day!

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