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Summary of Question:Who Had The Truth Before The Sikhs?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 2/14/2006 9:55 PM MST

which group of people had the 'truth' before guru nanak?

which religion was there to follow if one wanted to know the truth before nanak was teaching?
christianity/judaism can claim to have prophets and other inspired individuals from the day when God created Adam & Eve, all the way up to now.
Hinduism can claim something similar with its many avatars and gurus.
But what about sikhism?

Sat nam.
The answer to your query: No one. It is academic and narrow-minded to assume that one people or religion has a hold or monopoly on Truth. No one people or faith has the only Truth, including Sikhs. That is why Sikhi maintains that there is one Creator, and all people worship the same Creator, no matter if they call him/her/it Allah, Jesus, Lord, Waheguru, Ram, Sun Father, Buddha, Pan, Isis, Earth Mother, etc. Moreover, what I as a Sikh regard as truth is not necessarily seen as such by someone of another faith.

Religious understanding of Universal Truth develops as humanity /the world evolves. Every faith we see represented on the planet today is both a step in that evolution and still relevant for the universal aspect of Truth it proclaims.

I might add that most every culture on the earth has a creation story as well. Adam and Eve (from the Bible, Genesis) is just one of many many such creation stories.

Our Gurus gave us a wonderfully simple way to Truth: meditate meditate meditate on the Naam. It is through daily simran that one knows the Truth that Nanak and those who came after him attempted to describe in the Siri Guru Granth.
Guru ang sang,

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Who Had The Truth Before The Sikhs? (02/14/2006)
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