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Summary of Question:Lustful Ways
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Saturday, 2/16/2008 4:05 PM MST

hi i am a girl of 19 years if age a sikh girl.i am havign probelms to control my mind as it has been amny years i am getting lustful images in my mind and i cant not step i askd for guru jis help and at one point i stoped 4 many months. searchign htrough ur question database i saw a siimialr case to that of mines howevr he was a boy and i did try the 60 seconds holdign in bretah thing and it didnt work i feel i am agettin woerser as i am becomign older. i want to stop becase i feel im becoming more mature spiritually, for ecxample iv worked on my other areas liek jealousy and anger and i dnt eat meat naymre andd iv betterd my self in ervy way and this is my only weakness left that is stoppign me from joining the gurus path and i feel god is very disappoitned and i feel very brudend by this sin.alsso i do the rehras pat if not he jap ji pat sicne alst year and it reinforces my love for guru ji but the times liek the weekends i find myself most lustful i try to keep busy but it doesnt work.pleaes help me beacause i no longer want to disappoint god.thank u 4 ur kind help.

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Lust is one thing which takes away more time in your life through daydreaming than anything else. But actually lust is positively, a very bright situation. You want to keep everything polished, you want to keep everything shiny. But are you who really you think you are? No! Have you balanced your five tattwas within you? No! You simply have to make a habit and a routine to balance your energy. First drop the guilt. That is the most required thing. Lust is simply the mental manifestation in fantasy of the energy of the water tattwa - the elemental energy of the second chakra. It is a natural thing. The question is: what are you going to do with that energy? You have a habit to fantasize and to daydream. But that energy is your creative energy. With it you can create not just babies but works of art. So it is a matter of training your mind. That means you have to meditate. That's the only way you can master your own mind. As Guru Nanak Dev Ji says in Japji Sahib: "Man Jeetai Jag Jeet."

I suggest you start with 31 minutes of Keertan Kriya for 40 days.

You can learn how to do it here:

All love in Divine, .....G

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