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Summary of Question:Re: Alcohol In Gurbani
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 11/05/2004 6:47 AM MDT

Sat-Shri-Akal. is a very good webpage, where you can actually find qoutations from SGGS regarding drinking and many other issues. Here are some of the qoutations:

About "Intoxication" Sri Guru Granth Sahib says :

1. By drinking intoxicating liquor,

One gets much misery.

Guru I, Bihagara Rag

2. Nanak, being intoxicated with liquor,

One commits many a sin.

Guru I, Bihagara Rag

3. By getting drunk,

One cannot distinguish between friend and foe.

Guru III, Bihagara Rag

4. Getting drunk, one forgets the Master,

And is punished in His Court.

Guru III, Bihagara Rag

5. Drink not this fake wine,

Avoid it with all your determination.

Nanak they are truly intoxicated,

Who drink the nectar of His Nam.

Guru III, Bihagara Rag

6. Nanak by meeting the True Guru and through

His kindness,

7. One obtains the wine of his Nam.

Guru III, Bihagara Rag

8. He, who drinketh the essence of Nam is ever


9. All other intoxicants wear off in a moment.

Imbued with Lord's essence, the mind is ever

in bloom and bliss,

While intoxication of worldly sovour brings woe

and care,

He, who drinketh the nectar of Lord's Nam,

Is for ever in ecstasy;

All other drinks are futile.

Guru V, Asa Rag

10. Come ye, my comrades,

Give up the love of insipid drink of evil,

And drink the quintessence of Nam,

Without tasting this, myriads have been drowned

in the ocean of Maya

And one's soul is never at peace.

Guru I, Sri Rag

11. Sayeth Nanak,

The drinking of wine leads one to wicked deeds.

Guru I, Bihagara Rag

12. By drinking wine, one loses sanity and gets involved

in brawls,

Loses the power of discrimination,

And incurs displeasure of the Lord.

Guru III, Bihagara Rag

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