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Summary of Question:Steps For Making A Change From Sikhism
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 3/06/2008 4:15 PM MST

Hello Sir,

I am Sikh student doing my masters here in USA. I am 23 years old and keep uncut beard, wear a turban and belong to a good family.
However I would like to change that and would like to cut my hair - I have thought a lot about it and it’s what I want to do.
The issue that I am facing is I have come from India on student visa (F1) and all my photo ID’s have me wearing a turban in them (this includes my passport, visa, driver’s license etc)
Hence, I would like to know if there is any way I can get this thing sorted out. Because if I do change my appearance, I would look different from the pictures in my photo ID’s.
Regarding my parents, I respect them a lot and I do value their opinion – however, the motive of my post is to find options I have to make this transformation.
I don’t know anyone who has does this before and I don’t know whom to ask regarding this issue, hence my reason of posting it online.
It has been very uncomfortable for me to write this post and it may not sound appropriate.
I hope my post is not taken in any offensive way. I seriously want to change and it’s what I want to do. I have nothing against it – it’s just something I have wanted to do for a very long time and I don’t think I am being fair to myself by holding myself down.
Please let me know your opinions and any possible options,

P.S. please do not disclose my email address.

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You say " I have thought a lot about it and it’s what I want to do," but you don't say why. There are reasons and there are rationalisations. The mind is incredibly creative. Actually it is easy to get new photo ID's. You can renew your passport, driver's licence, etc. at any time. So since this is not such a problem in the USA, I have to wonder why you actually wrote to the forum. I mean, why make this decision of yours public?

You also say, "It’s just something I have wanted to do for a very long time and I don’t think I am being fair to myself by holding myself back."

So, why haven't you done it already? I suspect you actually still harbor some doubts within yourself.

Keeping your Roop as your Guru gave it to you is a matter that lies only between yourself and your Guru. It is not about pleasing anyone else, nor even about pleasing yourself. It is about your own relationship with your Guru and only about that. Your relationship with your Guru is yours and yours alone. As with any relationship, you must deepen it and focus on it in order for the relationship to develop. Life is indeed a question of priorities. Your relationship with your Guru is a relationship of the heart, not the head. It begins with surrender. Rather than your own mind, let your Guru tell you what you must do. Remember, you can never please anyone else, no matter how hard you try.

So the basic question you must ask yourself is a simple one: "Is the Guru the centre of your life?"

If so, you will always know what to do. If not, remember that no other centre will hold secure throughout your life. All other centres are temporary.

All love in Divine, .....G

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