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Summary of Question:Re: Should Sikhs Become Modern..
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 7/30/2003 6:56 PM MDT

Guru Gobind Singh jee asked us to maintain an identity so that we can stand out from the crowd as we are his beloved. Also Sikhs as a community are not backward in any sense, especially in the West, Expalin to your friend what the Kara and the other K's mean and symbolize.

And pls dont stop wearing the Kara, Guru Gobind Singh Jee once said, Jab lag rahe khalsa niara, tab lag tej dio mai sara.( As long as a khalsa retains his/hier identity Gods will bestow on them full glory.)

Guru Rakaha!!


(REPLY) Sat Nam. This is a good answer!

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