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Summary of Question:Hair Confusion
Date Posted:Sunday, 5/09/2004 12:46 PM MDT

if i cut my hair and donate it to lockz of luv iz that wrong, n r we not suppose to trim our hair. my hair iz very thick and i am tiny person, it weighs alot, so i get it layered tha length is still there but not all of it, iz that wrong.

also i feel empty, i am only 16 yrz old, but feel as tho i have accomplished nothing or dont feel the need to. in recent yr i haf gotton everythin from 100% to 50% on my report cards, my parents seem they dont care wen i du well, so sumtimes i dunt care either way. i feel as if i should b doin sumfin better, im just very confused about life. i feel wen i am done high school n uni, everything will get better. but that is too far away and how kan i even b sure. thanks for ur time,

--- Reply --

It is hard to stay motivated when your parents don't show any concern. And, being sixteen is a hard age, sometimes. But, you are not a kid. It is time for you to do what's right to please yourself from the inside. Get involved in something you like...dancing, art, music, public speaking, sports...anything. Do it because YOU have an interest. If you can find one thing you really like and do it, it is likely that enthusiasm and energy will spread to other areas of your life, like school. Good Luck and don't give up your faith in yourself and life. Blessins. GTKK

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