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Summary of Question:Re: man should be free
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/08/2000 4:24 PM MDT
Dear Khalsa Ji,

I am starting my answer with a question.

Why do we wash our hands before eating or after eating? Is their any instruction on this in Dhun Dhun Guru Granth Sahib Ji? Then why we all do that?

The question is simple so do the answer is.

The education came in with the time factor and we became to know about all these small things. The things which were useful to us in regards to our health, wealth and Spritiual life. Today once I read the articals, I feel ashamed for the people asking so many stupid questions. Did you ever read that our Guru said to wash hands before you eat? If you didn't then why do you do that? If you don't do then why you don't do that?

We all are willing to design the religion according to our comforts. We can have hundreds of facts in proving such a thing like eating meat is good or bad. We do not ever think that the things we do besides the guidelines of our Gurus are okay or not. Today we all drive cars or vehicals; Do we committ a sin if we drive faster than the speed limit? Well there were no cars at Guru Ji's time otherwise HE would have needed to put these instructions as well.

I beg to the people asking these kind of questions that please use some common sense also, but actually "COMMON SENSE IS NOT SO COMMON THESE DAYS".



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