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Summary of Question:I need help!!
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 4/22/2000 3:59 PM MDT

I am 20 years old and for some time i have been experiencing feelings as though i am lost. I don't regard myself as a Singh, although i am a sikh, i cut my hair i used to drink. The problem i am facing is that i was never into my religion and it never used to be a priority, i used to goto the Gudwara every Sunday but thats it. However a few months ago i began seeing things in my dreams of an man dressed in yellow clothes with a turban and long beard, sitting on a rock meditating. In my dream all i can see is him and mountains all around him. At first i just thought it was a wierd dream, but i began having the same dream every night. I am not crazy and i certainly have no need to make this up, because he has spoken to me in Punjabi in my dreams a few times recently saying "Satnam Waheguru" repeatedly. Am i going mad? i know it isn't my imagination running wild. I just wish to know is it a sign for me to change how i am living my life?

Wow! What a great message! That was Guru Gobind Singh himself calling you. You got a personal invitation to wake up! What are you waiting for?

I do not think you are going crazy. Sometimes we are living such a narrow existance (no judgement intended) that our dreams are the only place where we may be in a receptive state to recieve our soul's own message of longing.

You have had many lifetimes and many incarnations. Your soul wants to be fed just as your body and mind get fed.

You have probably been Khalsa before.....with Guru Gobind Singh in Hemkunt Sahib or some hilly place, maybe Anadpursahib.....and he is personally coming to you to wake you up to your destiny. So, start!

Any other question...ask the Guru and see what He says....OK to translate in English so you can understand!!!!!

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I need help!! (04/22/2000)
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