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Summary of Question:Re: What do other people think of khalistan?
Date Posted:Tuesday, 9/05/2000 6:23 AM MDT
I would like to give my opinion on this matter......

I think that we should continue to fight for Khalistan - not to discriminate other faiths but merely because it is much needed and to improve the lives of others (sikh and non-sikh). We are all too often hearing about (Sikh and non-sikh) people in India being tortured simply because the people in charge are greedy and power crazy. We were promised our own homeland 'Khalistan' but due to unscruplous people we were cheated out of it. I believe that we are legally entitled to it. I believe that we will achieve it but we too must choose our leaders very carefully because sadly some sikhs have forgotten the true path and have themselves become greedy and power crazy.

Khalistan is not a religious is a political gesture.

The teaching of Guru Nanak through Guru Gobind Singh is the One Creator is in all the Creation.

All humans have the capacity to be elevated. But, you have to go within and find your peace rather than look outside and find blame.

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. . Re: What Do Other People Think Of Khalistan? (07/14/2000)
Re: What do other people think of khalistan? (09/05/2000)
. . Re: What Do Other People Think Of Khalistan? (09/28/2000)
What do other people think of khalistan? (02/07/2000)
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