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Summary of Question:Advice On Alcoholism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/12/2003 5:35 PM MDT


I need some advice on what to do about my father. He has a drink problem, goes through a litre of whiskey everyday! It's only yesterday he's opened up to me on what he's going through. He says he can't digest his food and starts to shiver and reaches for the bottle. He's admitted it's a problem but he needs help! He can't go to AA meetings because it will be embarassing for him. He's spoken to his doctor, he just tells him to lose weight!!

He's not into religion at all. He has stress from his family but what family doesn't and he will always retreat to the bottle and it is eating me up as I am scared as I feel the clock is ticking for him, I feel so useless! Can anyone help me or has been through similar situation.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. I'm so sorry. Your father is an alcoholic, and AA was set up as Alcoholics ANONYMOUS -- because of course everyone doesn't want to be embarassed. The problem is that if he doesn't go, the alcohol is liable to kill him. I would suggest that you contact an AA chapter and get their advice on how to get him to attend a meeting. Perhaps you could go with him. There is also an organization for relatives of Alcoholics, I forget the name, but if you call AA, they will direct you. Your father's doctor obviously doesn't know the full extent of your father's disease, and that's what alcoholism is. Thousands of people suffer from it, but it is possible to control, and you should do everything possible to get help for your father. I'll bet there's an AA website! Of course, I'm sure you are praying for Guru's grace to help your father, and as usual, I lean toward calling on Guru Ram Das, the Lord of Miracles, to help and heal! Best wishes. May God bless you and your father, and Guru give you courage and wisdom to solve this problem. SP

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