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Summary of Question:Sikhism And Politics
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 4/25/2000 11:35 AM MDT

Can a Sikh religious leader or a Sikh representative (eg:- Jathedar of Sri Akal Takhat or Head Granthi of Sri Darbar Sahib) be plolitical leader also. If yes then why and if no then can he issue general wip to Sikh panth to vote against any political leader keeping in consideration the rights and values of sikh people and sikhism.


Dear One:

Sat Siri Akaal, Ji. In India, politics and religion have always been deeply intertwined, and to many Sikhs, the Jethadar or Head Granthis of Akal Takt or Harimander Sahib ARE political leaders. (Let me confirm here and now that I am not referencing any particular Akal Takht Jethadar or Granthi of Harimander Sahib, I only speak to the example you cited in your query.) And indeed, if you follow Indian press, you will see that Indian and Sikh political leaders are constantly voicing their opinion about the supposed goodness or badness of their political or religious colleagues. There is nothing to keep Akal Takht Jethadar from advising Sikhs to vote for or against a certain political leader, and perhaps someone reading this post will reply with examples. From what I have seen, however, when such a person as an Akal Takht Jethadar or or high Sikh religious leader takes such a stand, he gets a LOT of grief and backlash from Sikhs and others who do NOT agree with him. So often, for his political survival as Jethada
r or Granthi, he will not do so.

Guru ang sang,

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