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Summary of Question:Nil
Date Posted:Wednesday, 7/05/2000 5:42 AM MDT

dear sikhnet

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

i face i very difficult problem and hope you can help me with it. every time i think i am on the path to GOD, that is, i start contemplating and loving Him, and all perceptions of life change , i do something stupid which i know i am not supposed to do. I try very very hard to refrain, but the maya in this world is only too much . it engulfes me. then i start to regret, and have to start all over again. what do u think is a solution to this? i am in desperate need of help. please answer as soon as possible.
Greetings to you in the Name of God the light of every soul and in the Name of Guru the life of every Sikh.

Dear one. You have 3 minds; positive mind, negative mind and neutral mind. When you start loving God and contemplating Him you are in your positive mind. Being on the positive side of your mind automatically attracts it's polarity which is the negative mind. This is the first step in meditation!!!!!!!!!!!!

The object is to keep up until you get to the neutral mind! Yes! You are on the way but you have quit too soon. You must allow those thoughts that come into your mind, and then move the thought out of your mind. Move on! Rplace the negative thought with the sound of "wahe Guru" so the thought can go. You are not resisting the thought, you are watching it come and go like a movie.

Here is a meditation for you to do for the next 40 days. It is called "Kirtan Kriya".

Make a quiet, clean spot in your home or room. Choose a time that you can do every day for 31+ minutes....before bed, early in the am etc.
Sit down in a crosslegged position. Set your spine straight and relax in this posture with the backs of your hands resting, right hand on right knee. Left hand resting on left knee...palms facing upward.

Then respectively press your pointer fingers against your thumbs as you say 'sa'. Then press your middle fingers to your thumbs and say 'ta'. Then press your ring fingers to your thumbs and say 'na'. Then press your pinky fingers to your thumbs and say 'ma'.

1.You will chant Sa-ta-na-ma- out loud as described above for 5 minutes. Press hard with the fingers.

2.Then do the same pressing but chant SA-ta-na-ma- in a whisper.5 minutes

3.Then do the same finger pressing but chant the Sa-ta-na-ma-silently for 10 minutes.

4.Then continue 5 minutes, pressing & whisper chant again (#2)

5.Then continue 5 minuts, pressing and out loud again (#1)

Your eyes should be closed and focused up at the top of the head. Feel the energy from the top of the skull and move it like a stream out through your third eye.

This meditation is for breaking habits and clearing out the pain of the past.

The sounds are Satnam broken down into primal sounds.

When you are finished take some time to relax on your back. Sing Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru.

This practice will clear your mind of unwanted thoughts and bring you to neutral mind....God bless you.

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Nil (07/05/2000)
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