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Summary of Question:What do Sikhs think of euthanasia? and why?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 4/09/2000 7:16 AM MDT

Do Sikhs consider euthanasia as murder and what are the teachings about this? It is relevant to my RE GCSE but I found nothing on what the Sikh veiws are on this particular subject.


The Sikh way of life is a very practical lifestyle. There is no necessity to prolong the life artificially or through unusual circumstances. This life is a sacred gift that continues through the journey of the soul. It can have 8.4 million lifetimes or merge back into God at any time. Sikhs do believe in incarnation so the fear of the finality of the life when the body dies should not be presant.

One thing to remember is:"All things come from God and all things go to God,,,everything come from Him and it goes back home again" " No power to speak, or silence to keep, no power to beg no power to give, no power to die no power to live,,,no power to rule or enlighten the mind,,,no power to awaken my soul to Thee, no power to find the way to be free.. By His own will O Nanak, none can be good or bad, He alone has the power to reaveal the way." Jap Ji Sahib

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What do Sikhs think of euthanasia? and why? (04/09/2000)
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