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Summary of Question:Life Role
Date Posted:Tuesday, 5/02/2000 4:22 AM MDT

I am currently in university right now. There is nothing that interests me, and I dont see myself working for the next 30 years. How do I find out my life role? How do I know if engineering or science or psychology, etc is right for me? What if school isnt for me, then what do i do?


You are asking a very valid question. It is very important for you to be concerned with how and where you invest your time and your focus. Many people , myself included, did 4 years of college ( even Grad school), got a degree, and then found they did not really want to work in the field that they chose.

What is your rush? Can you take some time to invest in your personal career research?

Think about how in the West, there is a tremendous focus on going to College immediately after High School. Many students have no idea what they want to do with their life. They have not really experienced enough of life and the work world to make such a huge choice. This can be a big pressure.

Can you can relax and enjoy taking a sampler of courses for 2 years in the Liberal Arts department? Can you do some aptitude and ability testing profiles in the couseling department of your University and get some guidence? Do you need to be swept along? It is good that you are conscious that you have no clear goal at this time.

It is as though society is not ready to absorb so many youth in the work world, so they are told to go to 4 years of college. Colleges make a lot of money. College is definitely a big business.

Believe it or not, most youth really do need some job experience before they can know if they really need college. College is really only necessary if you are pursuing Medicine or a Law degree or some field that really requires a degree. There are many things that you can do w/o a college degee.

What is the problem with taking some time off? You are free now. I am assuming that you do not have a family to support. So, this time is a wonderful time in your life to check things out. Get a job....mentoring with a professional. Try working in an attorney's office, or with a doctor, a museum,a lab, research assistant, assist a teacher in a school, work at a newspaper or publishing firm, with a computer company, in a business, in a brokerage firm, rescue work, counseling, rehabilitation, teaching. You will gain tremendous insight. You will see what you like and dislike. Then, if you choose to pursue additional training you will be very clear what you need to do.

There are even Colleges, like Antioch College in Ohio, that have work study programs to enable students to get the experience and clarity needed to pursue a career.

You can also start meditating to find an inner sense of personal satisfaction just being fine with yourself. When you find your inner guide and peace then you can find satisfaction doing whatever is given to you by God's Grace, this is "Gurprasaad".

God bless you and "Keep Up".

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