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Summary of Question:Turban
Date Posted:Friday, 10/20/2000 7:05 PM MDT

Sat Nam,

I have been learning about Sikh philosophy for a couple months now. All I know is from the internet and this awsome website. I have searched and searched for a Sikh community here in Utah and have found nothing. I talked to a Sikh who was working at a restaurant. That is the closest i have come. He told me that someday a Gurudwara will be built and that there is no program or gathering of Sikhs. Not until the Gurudwara is built in the furure. That puzzled me. He also acted like he was bothered by my questions and didnt want to talk. I am still trying to find out how to get a steel braclet and turban, comb, kirpan etc. I guess it would be easy to make a turban. If anyone could give me the dimensions of the cloth used to tie a turban and some instructions on how to tie it, or a link to a site showing how it would be great. I have noticed that there have been a lot of inquiries on how to tie a turban. Maybe instructions should be placed on this website for those like me who have no other Sikhs to turn to.

You are in luck. There are a few center in Utah that I can connect you with. As of April 2000...these are the Ogden, Utah: Harimander Kaur Khalsa: Salt Lake City, Deva Kaur Khalsa:801-582-0820.

The kara, and kanga and turban you can get from Golden Temple on tying turban..."Style of the Lion" by Jaspreet Singh...also try: [email protected]

God bless you and keep up the good attitude.

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