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Summary of Question:Masturbation
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 5/09/2000 12:30 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal

I need help and urgently. PLEASE!!!!!!!
I have been masturbating for ywo years already and i want to stop it badly
but i cannot. i m addicted to it already and i can't do anything
i m also scared because i don't know whether i m impotent.
I also want to take Amrit.
I will be very thankful if u could help me

Sat Sri Akal

I am assuming you are a man.

It takes 40 days to make or break a habit.

First, you must analyze if there is anything in your environment that creates in you the desire to masturbate (such as visual stimulation). Then, try to avoid that stimulation, or change your understanding of it. For example, if there is a girl whose presence stimulates you, start to pray for her well being as a sister, mother, daughter, etc. to relate to her consciousness rather than her body. If you are looking at pornography or sexually stimulating pictures, remove them from your environment and/or avoid them. Replace them with other literature that is not sexually stimulating to you.
The desire to masturbate occurs when the pituitary gland (in your forehead) tells the prostate gland (between your legs) to secrete. The pituitary is connected to the third eye, which is the center imagination and inner vision. Often, visual sexual fantasies will be seen at the third eye. Place the sound Satnam at your third eye by projecting Sat when you inhale, and Naam when you exhale. Do this as often as you remember.

Second, you must learn to raise your energy from the second chakra (sexual center). If you squat on the toilet in order to urinate, you can stop the urine flow 5-6 times by squeezing the sphincter muscle. Practice squeezing this muscle every time you urinate. Squeezing this muscle pulls the energy out of your penis and into your spine.
The yogic technique for raising your sexual energy to higher centers is called mul bhand (root lock). This involves squeezing the muscles of your rectum, sex organ (the sphincter muscle), and navel point. Try this process.
Jog or run in place for 10-20 minutes.
Now practice Sat Kriya:
Sit on your heels (put a cushion underneath you if necessary). Raise your arms over your head and stretch them straight up with the palms together. Your arms are hugging your ears. Lock your thumbs if need to keep the palms together. Close your eyes and look up towards the top of your head. Inhale deeply and exhale fully several times. Then inhale and say Sut (rhymes with but) while squeezing the rectum, squeezing the sphincter muscle, and then pulling in your navel. Say Naam and relax all the muscles. This should be rhythmic and you should be doing one Sut Naam every second.
Practice this for 11 minutes to start and work up to 31 minutes for 40-90 days. In 90 days, you can learn to control your energy.
Masturbation is a process of self-stimulation to the point of ejaculation. Semen is transmuted into ojas, which is the fluid of your spinal column. Ojas lubricates the spine allowing your energy to rise to the higher centers of your body. It takes eighty drops of blood to make one drop of semen, so this is a substantial loss of your energy.
Certain foods are sexually stimulating, such as garlic, mangoes, and pistachios. You might avoid foods that make you feel stimulated.

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