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Summary of Question:Re: What are the rights of Sikh women among us?
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/11/2000 6:15 PM MDT
The gift of Amrit could not have been distributed to the Khalsa without the role of Mata Sahib Deva Kaur who added the quintessential ingredient to make amrit perfect. She added the patashe or the sugar in a solid form which symbolizes the sweetness of nature that a Sikh must portray to everyone and everything - for God is omnipresent. Furthermore, it was a woman who brought Sikhism to the world. If it were not for Bibi Nanki's (the sister of Guru Nanak Dev Ji) prayer to God for a brother, Guru Nanak would never have been born. It was her strong desire for a male sibling that allowed Guru Nanak to be born into the world. Guru Granth Sahib Ji itself portrays the importance of a woman. Guru Ji states that a mother is the ULTIMATE guru and therefore God: "gurdev Mata, Gur dev Pita . .. . " Guru Ji could have said Pita (father) first, yet he gave more importance to the mother. Guru Ji also states: Puta mata ki asees, nimakh na bisaro tum ko har har sada bajo jag dis" which means oh son this is your mot

hers blessings that you may never forget God for even a moment." That is the ultimate blessing that anyone can give, and Guru Ji is saying that it comes from a female. No one else can give it.

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Re: What are the rights of Sikh women among us? (05/11/2000)
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