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Summary of Question:why are there alot of copies of the guru granth sahib?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 4/02/2000 3:54 AM MDT

Why are they alot of copies of the Guru Granth Sahib? i thought there is only one guru.your response would be greatly apperciated.



Why are there 18 million copies of the new Santana CD? It's the same exact sound current on all of them. You don't buy a CD because it's silver and shiny, you buy it for the music it contains.
Our Guru is the sound, the Shabd, contained in the script, not the physical pages of the Bir. That is one of the incredible, amazing things that was given to us......a guru that could be with us wherever we are. No one else has it.

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why are there alot of copies of the guru granth sahib? (04/02/2000)
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