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Summary of Question:Dasm Dwar Is Softening?
Date Posted:Thursday, 11/21/2002 9:58 AM MST


Why is it gettin softer where my dasm dwar is?


Can u please reply quikly i did not get an answer 2 my other questions. i am still waiting

Sat Siri Akaal. Please be aware that moderators are volunteers with lives and children and full-time day jobs. We can't get to every question, and sometimes don't know how to answer them. Please feel free to seek answers from other sources too.

AS for your question about the softening of dasm dwar, I am assuming you mean that spot feels PHYSICALLY soft. The skull has lot of little ridges and indentations all over, including in that area. I am wondering if you are noticing an indentation there. However, there is NO medical reason for dasm dwar area to soften or be soft unless you are a newborn baby or have been injured there. Even one who meditates hours a day should not have a PHYSICALLY soft dasm dwar (where the skull feels soft). So, if you really believe it is softening, see a doctor asap. If you are feeling PAIN in that area as well, then this is all the more reason to get medical advice. Guru ang sang,

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