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Summary of Question:What If I Do Something Wrong???
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 8/25/2000 12:08 PM MDT

My whole family is Amritdhari except for me. I feel like i'm under alot of pressure to Amrit Shuk myself. but i'm not completely sure i want to do it. My parents really want me to and have offered me $500.00 to do so. I'm not gonna go for the money but i don't like the fact that i'm under pressure. I want to do it but then i don't. I do nitnem and stuff everyday. And i ask Guru je to clear my mind so i can Amrit Shuk but i'm stuck. I don't know what to do. What if i do something wrong?


Dear Varinder,

Taking the step to merge with the power and protection of the Guru is between you and the Guru. This is a marriage of your soul with your destiny and the destiny of the Guru.

No one should force you to do this.....that itself would be wrong. Taking amrit is your decision. It is not an insurance policy that you will never do anything wrong.

However, if your fear of doing wrong is what is deterring you.....then you would do better to focusing on letting go of your fear.

If your entire family is Amritdhari, then your joining them is not unexpected. Just be clear to yourself and to your family, that you appreciate their counsel. Ask them to please be patient with you as your are exploring your relationship and understanding to be truly ready when the time comes.

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What If I Do Something Wrong??? (08/25/2000)
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