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Summary of Question:want to go to canada or australia immigration want help how to go
Date Posted:Thursday, 5/27/1999 1:18 AM MDT

Wahe Guruji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guruji ki fateh,

My question is:

I am a complete Guru Sikh. Also, I have completed my diploma in Computer Science and Engineering. My age is 24 years. I have also finished my s/w in Oracle 8.0 and vb 6.0, yet I have not gotten a job in India. So, I am ready to begin looking abroad, such as in Canada, or Australia. I am ready to emigrate. My passport is ready and I am also able to pay for the visa. However, I have not found the right person to guide me or show me the way. I have been trying for two years. Can someone help me, please.

Please reply as soon as possible,

From : Harjeet Singh
[email protected]

Dear Harjeet Singh ji,
Wahe Guru ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru ji ki fateh.

It is good that you have written to the Sikhnet Forum for assistance in your efforts to find your place in life. You have many things to be thankful for, the most important of which is the fact that, as you say, you are a "complete GuruSikh." I understand this to mean that you are devoted to Siri Guru Granth Sahib as your Guru, and that you are keeping your Kesh, your turban and the presence of Guru's sacred bana as you seek (Sikh) to prosper, by Guru's grace, in this world. If you will always hold fast, first, to your commitments with Guruji, then everything else in life will always work out to be the very best for you. He may not give us just anything that we happen to desire, but what he gives us will be the best. Whether we have jobs operating supercomputers, or we are the humble sevadar who dusts the shoes and the places where the saints of the Sat Sangat bow their heads in prayer and devotion, Guruji will provide for us, accept us unto Himself and utilize us for His very best purpose. That is the

faith of a GuruSikh as my humble understanding can best comprehend.

Remember it is the wisdom of Wahe Guru and the grace of divine creativity that created the computers in the first place, and that those technologists who have constructed these computers are only the newcomers to a vision that Guru Gobind Singh ji had 300 years ago, that in this Kali Jug (Machine Age) the machines will run everything, but it is the Holy Nam which shall hold the world and save the beings. I myself work with computers every day of my working life, and for this reason I don't romanticize computers. Computers, of themselves don't have a heart and they don't have the breath of life, yet computers can kill human beings from 15,000 feet in the air, as we can witness in Kosovo and Yugoslavia. What vision will hold the computer to a beautiful purpose rather than an exploitive or even demonic purpose? Only those who use the computer with mastery can ensure that the computer will be a blessing rather than a curse. And it is the Guru who gives us the Naam and his grace to master our minds and to com
passionately chart our course for the greatest benefit of all beings.

Therefore, you, as a GuruSikh who is in the process of mastering the computer must also master your mind and live up to the grace of our Guru. Otherwise, your work will become trivialized and you will be exploited. Please understand, this response is to honor the blessing of your potentials, the merit of your achievements, and the responsibility of your role in life to be a role model. If your purpose with computers is just to make money and find a good materialistic life in a western, business environment, that would be the waste of a lifetime. If, however, you can surrender privately and completely to the Guru, offer to Him all your hopes and talents because He gave them in the first place, ask the Guru to plug you in, and then say to the Sadh Sangat worldwide, by letter, by email, by prayer mail, by whatever means you can say, <I, Harjeet Singh, want to come, I want to be an authentic GuruSikh among you, I am your brother, I am the child
of Guru Gobind Singh, and I want to serve the Guru and humanity, Will you please accept me and assist me to live within your community?> with such a powerful purpose and projection, if you will live up to it, He will certainly take you to your next evolutionary step.

One more very important thing is, our Guru is the Guru of Naam Simran, of meditation and mastery of speech and language. Knowing the cold, technological processes of computers is not enough. Human communication must come from the heart, but it must also reflect the clarity and mastery of our minds. You have said that you would like to enter into professional employment in Canada or Australia. Both of those societies are advanced, English speaking economies. I have re-written and corrected your original question (as it appears here). I will send you the original, along with this answer by email (since you gave your email address). You can compare your original with the edited version. This is not to make you feel inadequate. It is to remind you that with the vastness of Guruji's mind at your reach in your simran, you must work on developing a mastery of speaking and writing English more fluently. You are a complete GuruSikh, so there is no question that your mind is sophisticated. Your
use of English must be developed to reflect the sophistication of the mind of the Guru. You can use the internet and email correspondence to find ways and experiences of perfecting the use of English, since the societies you want to enter are English speaking. This can certainly be done. It is up to you (by Guru's grace) to apply yourself to it. In seeking opportunities in life, in writing a resume for a job, in having an interview, you should develop your speech, your writing and your self-presentation to match the majestic qualities of your very own father, Guru Gobind Singh ji. Vow to do it because He is within you, and it shall be done. By His grace.

Your humble brother and servant,
Krishna Singh Khalsa

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