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Summary of Question:Workplace And Sikh Faith
Date Posted:Tuesday, 10/21/2003 7:49 PM MDT

I have just started working as an engineer and find it very hard to wear both safety glasses and a hard hat while wearing a turban. Do you have any suggestions?

Sat Siri Akaal. In this case, the hard hat and safety glasses are paramount and are required for good reason. Maybe others will give you ideas in response to this post.
I would suggest a smaller turban, e.g., like a house turban but still wrapped well and neatly so it doesn't come off. If you have a large jura, then you might need to bundle your hair at the base of your neck and wrap it creatively with a patka. I saw a keshdhari Sikh (in a grocery store) with his hair like this. While I wondered why he saw that as necessary, it seems a possible solution for you. Of course, you could get a bigger hardhat. Or maybe wind your jura flatter to accommodate the simpler turban and the hardhat both. Safety glasses: Get the kind that are like ski goggles, rather than the kind that go on the ear. This means a strap goes around the head and the goggles fit over the eyes. I KNOW that safety goggles come in this style, they are not all made like eyeglasses.
By all means play around with these ideas; don't cut your hair!!!! Guru ang sang,

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