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Summary of Question:sex before marriage and GGS and alchol
Date Posted:Wednesday, 2/16/2000 3:26 AM MST

in the guru granth saihb (GGS) is it against it to have sex before marriage.. what is the sikh phiosophy? also where in the GGS does it say not allowed to drink alchol..

please advise

The SGGS is full of references about the bride who loves another than her husband. It is a double meaning, talking about the mind loving maya instead of God, but it is also refering to the marriage state.
Instead of asking if every little thing you do is allowed or not allowed, ask the question like this; "Does SGGS encourage me to become stupid, morally loose, kill my brain cells, and act like an idiot?" The answer is no, so why would anyone think drinking is an activity for someone who is aspiring to be a saint/soldier?
As for sex before marriage here's the question; "Does SGGS encourage me to have sex with every single person of the opposite sex in the whole world?" Because that is the unspoken question. If you can have sex with more than one person, then there is no limit. The human mind merges with the marriage partner. Every sexual partner becomes part of your mind permanently. Every time they have a negative thought, you have a negative thought, no matter where they are. It's a huge burden to carry through life. That's why monogamy for life is recommended, so your mind can be functional to meditate on Wahe Guru.

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sex before marriage and GGS and alchol (02/16/2000)
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